Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Yesterday was a big disappointment to me, I was watching the handball game between Iceland and Denmark (I just had to watch it since I am an Icelander living in Denmark) and Iceland lost. Ok, we lost, but the way we lost was simply amazing! It had gotten into overtime and when there were 5 seconds left of the overtime the score was tied! More exciting it cant be but when there were 2 seconds left the bloody Danes scored and won the game. Talk about luck!
Well, better luck next time to Iceland.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Já fannst þér ekki fúlt, alveg á síðustu sekúndu. Það er búið að vera svo mikið fjör hér á Íslandi út af þessum handbolta að lögreglan hefur verið kölluð til því fólk heldur að eitthvað sé að gerast, berast svo mikil læti frá íbúðum, en þá er bara verið að fagna eða öfugt.
Ég vona að lyktin hafi farið alveg úr herberginu þínu, ekki gaman að hafa svona ófögnuð þar sem maður sefur, ojbara.
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